Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BORE or Dom :)

Ok im taking a really long break from studying for finals...trying to figure how this imac works. I dont likey at all so far...making my eyes hurt. I will stick to windows thank ya very much. Anyway im bored as you can tell. I cant call the honey bc he is probably in hibernation stage of sleep. He's a vampire (a sexy one at that), my bestie is at work still, my mommy is at work still being the bosslady. I need to be doing some work but I freaking bored. Some crayons and a coloring book would do the trick right about now. do you know How long its been since i colored. Shit ages!!!! But then again I have a strong case of ADD and it would only substain for about 10 mintues. The reason why I cant play video games. The honey doesnt understand why I dont play. He believes that Ive been abused as a child because I've never played a video game. Yep yep yep.......ok bye bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that pic is GREAT!